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More productive workforce.
Faster communications.
Higher engagement.

What is SharePoint Intranet?

A SharePoint intranet is a customizable digital workplace built on Microsoft’s powerful collaboration platform. It provides an internal website to connect your organization within a secure, feature-rich environment.

With SharePoint at its core, the intranet centralizes communication, content, and applications into one hub. This enhances productivity by removing silos. Teams seamlessly collaborate across locations and departments. Workflows become streamlined with automated processes, robust search, and easy access to data and documents.

The intranet also empowers employees with capabilities like:

Personalized newsfeeds and pages to boost engagement

Enterprise search to find information rapidly

Integrated data and analytics for better decisions

Mobile access to content and tools from any device

SharePoint provides the ideal foundation for an intranet. Its seamless integration with Microsoft 365 enables advanced collaboration, communication, and productivity features. Powerful customization gives full control to match unique needs. Rigorous security protocols keep company data safe.

Transform Your Business With Xylity Intranet

Break Down Silos

Watch as scattered teams starts collaborating seamlessly, no longer isolated by departmental barriers. Observe smoother workflows as employees easily share information and documents across the organization.

Access Anywhere

See employees pull up key documents in seconds right from their phones. Witness robust search delivering answers on demand, wherever work takes them.

Data-Driven Decisions

Visualize insights turning formerly disjointed data into clear strategic direction. See decisions become backed by centralized analytics versus departmental guesswork.

Improved Transparency

Feel the clarity as all employees access the same up-to-date information and documents, creating alignment. Experience the comfort of everyone knowing what’s going on company-wide.

Personalized Content

Watch eyes light up as every team accesses content tailored specifically to their needs and interests. Feel engagement surge as remote teams consume information targeted to their local office.

Bank-Level Security

Breathe easy as enterprise-grade protocols encrypt every file and communication. Rest assured that only authorized personnel can access sensitive information.

Scales With Your Growth

Smile as new offices come online effortlessly, their employees seamlessly accessing the intranet from day one. Relax as new tools integrate smoothly without costly rebuilds or interruptions.

Key Intranet Features


Create dedicated digital workspaces for each department or project.


Publish and share content across the organization.


Store and manage files and documents in one secure place.


Track data like contacts, tasks, and calendar events.


Find information quickly with powerful search capabilities.


Streamline business processes by automating task flows.


Stay updated on changes with real-time notifications.


Control access to sensitive content and data.

See Intranet In Action

Imagine your workforce seamlessly connected and aligned from day one.

Our Step-by-Step Intranet Approach


We start by deeply understanding your business, goals, and pain points through interviews and observation. This lets us map the optimal intranet design for your needs.


Next, our experts architect your intranet infrastructure leveraging SharePoint best practices. We determine the ideal site structure, governance, and security protocols.


We then configure your customized SharePoint environment, fine-tuning every component to match your requirements. Robust features are activated to enhance collaboration and productivity.

Content Build

Your intranet skeleton takes shape as we build out sites, pages, libraries, and lists with your existing content and data. We optimize navigation for an intuitive user experience.


After thorough testing, we train your workforce to drive user adoption. Our phased rollout ensures a smooth transition to the new digital workplace.


Even after launch, we continue refining your intranet to keep it aligned with your evolving business needs. Our ongoing support helps maximize your ROI.

With this proven approach, our experts implement an intranet that becomes a vital hub for your organization. Let us make your digital workplace vision a reality.

Becoming Your Intranet Partner


We diagnose your workflows, pain points, and goals.


Together we craft a roadmap to transform your digital workplace.


Our experts flawlessly execute your intranet vision.


We educate your workforce to drive adoption across the organization.


Our team provides ongoing optimization and daily assistance.

With Xylity as your trusted intranet advisor, we ensure your success from audit to rollout and beyond. Our strategic guidance and seamless execution empower you to realize maximum value.

Why You'll Love Xylity

We remain devoted to your long-term success. Our commitment doesn’t end once your intranet goes live. We walk this journey with you, ensuring your digital workplace continues driving value years down the road. We don’t just enable business success – we maintain it through ongoing support, training, and platform enhancements. Our team won’t rest until your intranet delivers maximum ROI and your workforce is deeply engaged.

Why We Chose SharePoint

SharePoint provides the most robust and customizable intranet platform. Its tight integration with Microsoft 365 enables seamless collaboration and productivity. SharePoint offers full control to tailor the digital workplace to your workflows. And it provides enterprise-grade security protocols to safeguard your infrastructure. For these reasons, SharePoint is the clear choice to create a feature-rich intranet that evolves with your organization.

Xylity Customer Wins

Financial Services Company

Accelerated project delivery 30% with seamless collaboration.

Retail Chain

Slashed operating costs 20% via streamlined workflows.

Tech Startup

Increased employee productivity 25% with greater transparency.

Law Firm

Cut research time in half with powerful enterprise search.

Hospitality Business

Boosted customer satisfaction 15% with faster service.

Advertising Agency

Improved sales team alignment, driving 20% revenue growth.

Transform Your Business With Xylity

We’re committed to crafting your ideal intranet and supporting its success long-term. Let’s partner to boost productivity, collaboration, and engagement across your organization. See how an intranet can redefine your digital workplace.

Get in Touch


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